It’s 2022 and the mission and mindset continues. We have to lean into discomfort, lean into the things that are necessary. There are elections this year. Voting rights are truly under attack. No matter your perspective we have to understand that the debate is on the table, and the concern is generations long, a charged road to be sure. WE ARE IN THE GAME OF THRONES, and life is far more precious than seeking to live the metaphor of the dramatized. Insurrection and and secession cannot be up for consideration. That is not American and that has nothing to do with freedom. Additionally, CRT is looming large and threatening to overwhelm our critical conversations, which to be sure is a tragedy as the actual emergency is not that it is looming, but that it is being seen as a threat instead of what it is, a systemic approach to realizing the truth of the American ideal, an academic approach to uncovering our shared American truth. There is all this and more. So, let’s lean into discomfort. Let’s think critically. Let’s talk. Let’s share stories. Let’s get familiar, find comfort, and develop some trust. And let’s do all this while we work the work of getting into some Good Trouble.